Anita Ford – Coach
Highlights from Anita’s curling resume….
Certified as a Level 3 Coach and is a Level 2 Official
As a competitor, Anita was 8 times to Southern Women’s playoff – Once as a skip and 7 as third for Crystal Brunas (Frisk) Was Provincial runner up team in 1979 and 1981
MVP and All-Star Third at the 1983 Provincial
Was Region Coordinator for Region 3 from 1978 – 84 and served as President of the Saskatchewan Ladies Curling Association (SLCA) in 1987-88
Alternate for Sandra Peterson team in 1991
Alternate for Sandra Schmirler team in 1993, 94 & 95
Coach – 1997 Sandra Schmirler Scott Tournament of Hearts National Championship Team
Coach – 1998 Sandra Schmirler Olympic Gold Medal Championship Team
1998 – 2000 Coach for Atina Ford Team. Placed 3rd at the 1998/99 Provincial
Coach -2004-05 Michelle Englot Team
Playing third for Crystal Frisk, was Provincial Senior Women’s Champions in 2004 and 2005 and runner-up team in 2003.
(Inducted April 2005)